My colleagues are working on a space unit with their kindergarten students. You can find the post on our wiki
My students enjoyed the
Toys in Space question; how would toys operate in zero gravity? Could you still play? How would the "game" have to be modified? There are a few different NASA videos using toys, my collection was slightly different (it was circa 2003!).
I have included further vocabulary support materials here.
space unit vocabulary word strips
All of the following
documents are here.
mini space vocabulary word strips for use at "work with words"
space vocabulary images for journal writing and sorting
1) Je colle dans mon journal.
2) J'écris les mots.
3) J'écris des phrases.
4) Je dessine mes propres images.
space vocabulary images for flip book
flip book
space vocabulary images for mini book
mini book
1) Je colles quelques images.
2) J'écris les mots, des phrases si possible.
3) J'utilise les autres mots que je connais, les couleurs, grand, petit, loin, près.
space bingo
les planètes, pancarte (tabloid, 11x17)
wide format printer is needed to print this to tabloid size (or submit Staples Print and Copy online for pick up)
Wordless HD animation of planet size and scale. (includes the moon (Mond), some dwarf planets and other suns)