Students select a car (printables included), and we race to get to the green light on the poster in class!
There is so much at school that easily engages girls that I look for the boy factor in everything I do to engage them too.
A folder with the same graphic is sent home explaining the challenge to parents & the difference/importance of letter sounds vs. simply letter names (although we start with letter names to build success and start from what they know).
The back of the folder gives parents the phonetic spelling of letter sounds in French.
To encourage parents new to our school (kindergarten parents especially) to get in the habit of visiting my teacher page I sent students home with black and white photocopied car choices. If their parents visited my teacher page they could download additional "cool car choices".
Letter sounds and names that are the same in French and English are highlighted for parents as a starting point.Letters are moved from one side of the folder to the other as they are mastered at home.
The file includes lower case and upper case letters. We learn to print upper case first - what do you think? Should they be taught to recognize lower case first?
Resolving the confusion of 'i' and 'e' and 'j' and 'g' for young French second language learners.