Thursday, March 14, 2013

All I need to know about teaching I learned from the hardware store

This was an inspiring week on twitter.  First was Derek Keenan's post about a pedagogical oath and what one might look like. Then came a post from DavidWees about 10 Teacher Commandments.  Finally, a post from Edudemic about the 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have.

Inspiring and overwhelming. Today I visited several local hardware stores to get the materials I needed for a home improvement project.

All I needed to know about teaching I learned from the hardware store.


  1. allô Madame Belle Feuille! Je suis un nouveau prof de français à Ottawa, et je trouve vraiment inspirant ton blog! Tu es pleine de très bonnes idées en ce qui concerne enseigner au premier cycle.

    Une petite note pour te renseigner qui'il y a queleques fautes dans ton petit livret de sons 'an'. 'J'écris MA propre histoire' et 'un GROS chat blanc'.

    1. Merci Monsieur, je vais corriger les fautes! Eeek!
